Costa Rican Hyperrealist artist Eliecer Rodriguez in his studio
September 15, 2024 0 Artist Spotlight Belinda

Costa Rican Hyperrealist Artist: A New Voice at MÍRAME Fine Art

MÍRAME Fine Art is proud to introduce the latest addition to our roster, the Costa Rican hyperrealist artist Eliecer Rodríguez.

Known for his intricate depictions of everyday objects like plastic bags and disposable cups, Rodríguez’s work compels viewers to engage with the urgent environmental crises of our time.

Through his skillful integration of these mundane items with the natural world, such as marine life and oceans, Rodríguez prompts reflection on the impact of consumerism on the planet. His work is a visual dialogue, asking the audience to reconsider their relationship with the environment and its delicate ecosystems.

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A Career Rooted in Ecological Themes

Hyperrealist painting by Costa Rican artist Eliecer Rodriguez, featuring a shark swimming towards a discarded plastic cup, commenting on the effects of our consumer culture on marine life. Eliecer Rodriguez, Extemporaneo, Acrylic on canvas

Born in Heredia, Costa Rica, in 1978, Rodríguez has long been committed to addressing ecological themes in his art. Over the years, he has refined a meticulous hyperrealist technique that brings these themes into sharp focus, encouraging viewers to confront the stark realities of pollution and environmental decay.

His career, spanning several decades, has taken him from early studies with influential Costa Rican artists to further honing his skills at the University of Costa Rica and through workshops with Cuban printmaker Luis Miguel Valdés. Additionally, his long-standing collaboration with Cuban master Tomás Sánchez, which began in 2009, has been a great influence on his technical and conceptual evolution.

Hyperrealism as a Tool for Environmental Reflection

Rodríguez’s hyperrealism is distinguished by an extraordinary attention to detail that borders on the surreal, immersing viewers in a world where the ordinary becomes charged with meaning.

His images, such as a disposable cup floating beside a shark, are more than representations of pollution; they become potent symbols of the larger environmental crisis, embodying the often-overlooked consequences of everyday consumer choices. This transformation of mundane objects into powerful artistic statements is a hallmark of his work, demanding a deeper level of awareness and accountability.

A Deep Connection to Costa Rica’s Biodiversity

Painting by Eliecer Rodriguez featuring a mannequin-like severed hand clutching gold bullets as they spill onto the table. The painting is unsettling, commenting on our disrespect of environmental concerns. Eliecer Rodriguez, Inerte, Acrylic on canvas

Speaking on his artistic motivations, Rodríguez reflects, “My connection to the sea and the ecological heritage of my country is a constant source of inspiration.” This deep connection is palpable in his paintings, which consistently explore the fragile relationship between humans and the environment.

His work serves as a visual reminder of the impact we have on the planet, while also highlighting the beauty and complexity of nature. Rodríguez's hyperrealist style bridges art and reality, encouraging audiences to pause and consider the ecological implications of their daily habits. He is a Costa Rican hyperrealist artist not to ignore.

A Visual Confrontation of Consumerism’s Impact

A hyperreal cactus painting by Costa Rican hyperrealist artist Eliecer Rodriguez featuring a potted cactus sitting on a ledge with the expanse of the ocean in the background. Eliecer Rodriguez, Los Cactus de Natalia, Acrylic on canvas

The hyperrealism Rodríguez brings to these works serves as a vehicle for his broader message, engaging the audience with the pressing concerns of ecological preservation. The juxtaposition of consumer waste with pristine natural elements generates a palpable tension, compelling the viewer to acknowledge the damage inflicted on the environment and to consider their role in perpetuating or alleviating that harm.

Rodríguez’s art does not shy away from this confrontation; rather, it insists on an active engagement with the challenges we face.

A Career Defined by Thoughtful Engagement

Rodríguez's work is gaining recognition both in Costa Rica and internationally. His paintings have been exhibited in numerous solo and group exhibitions, each serving as a platform to further his exploration of environmental issues.

Through his affiliation with MÍRAME Fine Art, Rodríguez continues to expand the reach of his message, urging a global audience to re-examine their relationship with the environment through the lens of hyperrealism.

Looking Forward: Rodríguez’s Place in the Contemporary Art World

MÍRAME Fine Art is excited to work alongside Rodríguez, offering a space for his innovative work to reach collectors and art lovers around the world. His paintings, with their striking visual clarity and profound ecological messages, are an essential addition to our gallery’s growing collection of contemporary Costa Rican art. As Rodríguez continues to develop his practice, we anticipate that his influence on both the Costa Rican art scene and the broader art world will only deepen.

Join Us in Celebrating Eliecer Rodríguez

For those interested in engaging with the work of an artist whose paintings confront some of the most pressing issues of our time, Eliecer Rodríguez offers a perspective that is as thought-provoking as it is visually stunning. A Costa Rican hyperrealist artist who is gaining international attention.

Stay connected with MÍRAME Fine Art for updates on future exhibitions and new works from this remarkable artist, who is sure to leave a lasting impact on contemporary environmental art.

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